Pug Hip Dysplasia

Pug Hip Dysplasia is a serious condition that can affect up to half of the Pugs in the world. It is one of the most underreported and under diagnosed orthopedic problems or conditions that can affect your Pug. The root of the problem is how the head of the femur bone fits into the hip socket of the pelvis. It is a complex ailment and there are some who think that the condition could be inherited.

Pug Hip Dysplasia can occur in varying degrees. A Pug with a mild case can exhibit no symptoms. The diagnosis of the condition is done through X-rays of the hip joint. In more severe cases there are pronounced symptoms. Lameness and obvious joint pain are indications of an advanced case of this condition.

Pug Hip Dysplasia is degenerative and needs to be followed up carefully. As the Pug tries to shift his weight from his hind limbs to avoid pain, additional lameness can appear in his front limbs. When your Pug has been diagnosed with this condition the options for treatment are generally based on the age of your Pug. Surgery, unfortunately, is often required and can be quite extensive.

Many Pug owners wish they knew more about the surgery before having it done and their stories can be quite enlightening. An honest discussion with a veterinarian experienced in this surgery is highly advisable. You will want to know all the possibilities and how much of a recovery period your Pug will require and what is the general prognosis for his full recovery.

The good news is that Pug Hip Dysplasia is survivable for both Pug and owner. It is something, however, that you want to learn more about and research as much as you can. The surgery, for example, can range from the removal of the affected part of the femur to a complete hip replacement. It will also matter if your Pug has any signs of arthritis. The age of your Pug, and how far the condition has advanced, will also guide your veterinarian on the type of surgery that is recommended. If the disease is caught early, a procedure where metal pins and plates are used to stabilize the femur. This results in a more stable and functional positon for the pelvis and is called a Triple Pelvic Osteomy. Arthritic conditions can be managed with medications and amino acids that will help ease the pain naturally and lubricate the joints as well.

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